Monday, August 27, 2007

Blog Song Of The Day:

Nickelback - Rockstar

Today's BSOTD was not chosen because its a great song. Actually, its kind of a mediocre song. You'll like it, but it'll get old really quickly. Today's BSOTD was chosen because it has an interesting video. Not interesting as in, really well produced and artistic. Interesting because it'll make you watch it more than once.

Its fascinating, in a way that it a little on the indulgent side. They had a whole bunch of people sing then song, and then its patched together as a series of very quick clips. The result is, a rapidly changing montage of different people going across the screen. That, alone, would not make it interesting. What makes it interesting is, about half the people are celebrities, and half are not. So you're constantly checking out, is this someone I should know? And if you have time to determine, yes this is a personality, then you have to, in the span of about a second and a half, figure out who it is. Its a very intriguing puzzle.

So there, go download the video and play the game I was playing today. Its fun in a way you're kind of embarassed to admit.

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