Saturday, September 01, 2007

You know, some people are just assholes.

I was at Midtown Plaza today. If you'll see yesterday's post you'll discover that I have learned that you can buy a U of S Huskie football jersey. I didn't have $100 cash on me at the game yesterday so I thought I'd try the Huskie store in the mall.

They didn't have any. But I digress . . .

I'm parked underground and I'm trying to get out. The underground parking at Midtown is a bit of a pain but I get turned around and head towards the exit. To do so I have to drive past the underground entrance into the mall. Thus begins our problem.

Some idiot woman is crossing in front of me to go into the mall. She has, in tow, her two daughters. If I were guessing I'd say they were 8 and 12. This is important because this retarded woman appeared to be chastising the two girls. I have NO idea why because the two girls appeared to be behaving admirably for having such a heinous bitch for a mother.

But I digress . . .

It is a relatively easy task to enter a mall. You cross the aisle-way left for cars to drive into and out of the mall, and then you enter through the doors. You don't even have to turn a knob because they have automatic doors. Seems simple.

This jackass couldn't complete the task.

So intent was she on castigating her children for some percieved and I would suggest spurious reason that the relatively simple task of walking in a straight line was beyond her. I don't know if she didn't notice me basically parked there, or didn't care, because she stepped right out in front of my truck. Because I'm not a complete asshole, I chose not to run her down. That may have been a mistake. So she walks out right in front of me BUT does not continue straight ahead to get out of my way. She kind of meanders around directly in front of me, while applying un-due pressure to the neck of her 12 year old daughter. Then, when it looks like she will finally get out of my way, she yanks the girls neck and pulls the whole troupe back, square in front of me again.

I seriously considered giving her the horn. It was that, or get out and beat the piss out of her. Either way it was probably better than she deserved. However, I did nothing, except write this blog post, and forever cast her into my group of inveterate assholes.

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