Friday, March 21, 2008

Do you know what really grinds my gears?

Let's say you go to your average, social news site? Something that is populated by links to content that is created by amateurs, or semi-amateurs. There's nothing wrong with the content, its just not as polished as you might find on an MSN or Yahoo.
I like these sites but one that drives me nuts is the pictures. What the hell is wrong with these people? They create a page about something and include a collection of thumbnails at the bottom that you can click for a better image related to the story. So you click the thumbnail and it proceeds to load a page with a version of the picture that is MAYBE 25% larger than the thumbnail itself.

What the point? What's the freakin' point!?! If you don't have a version of the picture that is actually worthy of being contained on a separate page but only have thumbnail or low resolution versions of the photo, then don't toy with me. Just post the thumbnails and leave it at that. I just hate when I click a little image, expecting a big image, and instead get a slightly blown up version of the original small picture.

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