Saturday, March 22, 2008

I have come to a painful yet inevitable conclusion. There is a sub-set of ordinary females that is completely out of their mind.

Today was a cold day. Not a frigid winter day but despite the shining sun it was not warm. It was not spring warm, or even March warm. There was a definite chill in the air. You needed to be wearing a winter-type jacket to stay comfortable outside.

To my own discredit, I went to the mall on a holiday Saturday. This does not speak well to my own sanity. Nevertheless I went and it is there that I witnessed this lunacy. I was walking across the parking lot, having just visited the ABM. I wasn't really thinking about anything in particular, other than I felt like an idiot visiting the mall when it was busy. I looked up and coming towards me was a girl. Its becoming increasingly difficult for me to correctly judge people's ages. Nevertheless I'm going to peg this girl at about 20.

I was wearing jeans, and my winter jacket which is a reasonably warm, leather coat. My hair is only a week longer than shaved to the scalp. I was comfortable enough but by no means warm. Coming towards me was a girl, about 20 years old, and approximately 5'3" tall. She was wearing silly looking sunglasses and a mediocre looking jacket. It was more than a sweater but less than my jacket. Combined with that was shorts. Not short pants, or some kind of stylish fashion-oriented pants. These were shorts. Summer-time, lets go for a walk on the beach, shorts.

And giant, fuzzy moon boots.


Its warm enough for shorts and yet still wear moon boots? How do you come to that conclusion? Let's try and imagine the thought process:

"You know, like, it looks so nice outside, I think I'll wear shorts. I love the sun!"

"Oh poo, there's still snow on the ground. That's like SOOO unfair. Boo! I guess I'll wear boots"


Doesn't anyone think anymore? When its cold, wear cold weather clothes. When its GENUINELY warm, then break out the summer clothes. But don't mix/match the two so you go out looking like a semi-retarded idiot that's on a day-pass from the loony bin.

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