Sunday, March 16, 2008

I shouldn't have to get pissed off about things like this. But I went to the Chicago Tribune web site. I wanted to read an article about Barack Obama. My computer proceeded to sieze up completely with 96% RAM usage as Spamasaurus Rex attacked me.

Why can't I go to a completely innocuous web site like the god damn Chicago Tribune site, and not be deluged by pop-ups and spam advertising!?! Why is this? Who are the idiots that are getting sucked in by pop-up advertising? Really!?! After this much time is anyone still falling for this bullshit marketing!?!

Its the damn shot-gun approach that is taken to everything lately. If you beat enough people with enough baseball bats, eventually someone goes down from it. If I send a million pieces of spam, someone with inadvertently click it and I'll get the 3 cent page click-through. ARRGGGHHHH!!!! This crap has to stop. Can't you just sell something people actually want and stop trying to steal our money!?!

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