Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Not Charging (2012-07-31)

This won't matter to anyone else but me.  However sometimes writing in this blog is just for me and I'm not overly concerned with whether anyone finds it interesting/amusing.

I had a weird night last night.  I was close to filling all my columns, so I was doing some late night effort to grab some numbers on some last, easy one's.  One of which is meditation.  I found this instruction sheet I got from a doctor many, many years ago.  Its call the Benson relaxation response.  In a nutshell you eliminate as much sensory input as you can, then focus intensely on your breathing, and if it works you get a strong sense of relaxation at the end.  It works last night because I lay on the floor doing this, and I didn't think much time had elapsed but it was over a half hour.

I used my iPad to time this, with a Stopwatch app.  When I was done I put the iPad on the desk and walked away.  However I forgot to close the app so it stayed active and the screen brightness killed the battery.  All of which I didn't realize until this afternoon when I tried to use my iPad for something and the damn battery was dead.

I realize the battery is dead but I have the facility to charge it at work so I plugged it into my computer.  The display comes up '2% Not Charging'.  What the hell, why aren't you charging??  Maybe its the cheap Chinese cable I bought.  I'll try another one.  Plug in a different cable; different length, different color, completely dissimilar from the first.  Still 'Not Charging'.  Okay, maybe its because I'm plugged into a hub and not directly into the computer.  So I crawl under the desk, hook myself straight in and try again.  Still 'Not Charging'.

Now I'm beyond annoyed.  The stupid thing is being a dung beetle and I don't appreciate it.  However I turn it off and then on again, as someone suggesting "rebooting" it.  Now it won't come on at all!  Grrrrrr!!!  But there's a lightning bolt symbol under the logo in the middle.  I ask around and the consensus is that means its charging.  But what about the 'Not Charging' text?  I have no other option so I leave it to see if it recovers.

After a few minutes it seems to find a new life and the main screen comes back.  Now I'm at 4% but still not charging.  I have no other options, I have to just leave it there because 4% isn't enough to do anything.  The whole time it says 'Not Charging'

When I left for the day I unplugged it and checked the battery indicator.  It was up to 11%.  So clearly it was charging, so why lie to me and say 'Not Charging' all afternoon?

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