Thursday, August 02, 2012

Why Are People Stupid (2012-08-02)

In general I am trying to keep this blog space (since I re-booted it) on a positive level.  Good things, uplifting things, thoughts and feelings that promote a good train of thought. 

(For those that can read the French, I know I’m putting some hate in here but I’m giving myself license to do that, because I want teach myself to express real thoughts in the French language and annoyances let’s me practice my verb negation)

However, sometimes someone I meet in the world does something so bloody awful stupid, that I can’t help myself and I have to write about it in my blog.  I feel empowered to do this because it is my blog, and positive philosophy or not, sometimes my venting is more positive for me, than the message I’m in my story.

Bygones . . .

I go outside to my car tonight because I want to run a minor errand.  I need some juice for tomorrow morning’s breakfast, and I’ve granted myself an indulgence; I’m going to get a Big Gulp.  As I step outside I realize that its starting to rain.  Perhaps my chose of shorts was not the greatest.  However, I’ve gone the whole day unable to wear shorts, so I’m also going to grant myself this indulgence.

Juice buying is relatively uneventful.  As I went into the grocery store, someone had just dropped a watermelon, so the dropper and three grocery store employees were all working to clean it up.  But other than that (and getting a good price on the juice) the trip to the grocery store was boring.

I come out and: Il pleut de cordes (the French version of “its raining cats and dogs).  I get in my car and head south to the 7-11.  I have to stop at the first light and a mini van pulls up to my right.  I think nothing of it because this is a minor errand run, the rain is pouring down on the surroundings and I’m just not in a gawking frame of mind. 

The light changes and I hit the gas.  Keep in mind I’m in my Mustang, so its rear-wheel drive, I have a sticky clutch and its raining like its trying to set a record.  Not surprisingly I spin out on the pavement.  But it catches after a second and I drive through the intersection.  Keeping in mind what has JUST happened, it should come as no surprise that I’m keeping the acceleration to a minimum.  My car is a beast in the rain, especially heavy rain, so I have not interest in drying like a banshee.

Mini-van Boy however seems to have taken mortal offense to my minor spin-out then acceleration through the intersection.  We get to the first curve, about 100 yards forward, and he’s punching it like we’re in Indianapolis.  He hits it so hard I actually can hear the shift in his engine noise.  He rockets past me doing at least 100 km/h.  This is a 60 km/h zone, we’re on a curve, and its raining like the monsoons of Bangladesh.

All of that I could probably stomach.  But he pulls into my lane as soon as he’s past, eases back on the accelerator and drives THE EXACT SAME SPEED AS ME.

I need a sign on each side of my car that says “I Don’t Want to Race You”.  Clearly some people don’t understand it.

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