Sunday, May 16, 2004

A few comments that I feel need to be made, after working another concert.

Why do people care so much about when the bars will close? Let's be honest, even if you know the time that bars are going to close, when the ticks on the clock reach the appointed time, you'll be too drunk to remember. In many circumstances you'll be too drunk to remember you're wearing a watch.

And why is it you can't know? Some yahoo will ask a front line person when the bars will close. Why can't you just tell the idiot, you don't know. Because you don't! Then you'll turn around and ask someone else, and of course the won't know either. Because no one knows! It hasn't been decided. Accept it and move on. Also, don't be so damn accomodating to the yahoos. They aren't going to remember anyway.

And why is it that so many concert-goers can be stupid enough to walk up to a completely darkened bar, and still want to buy a drink? Yes, I know they're stupified by alcohol, and aren't thinking clearly. But you'd think the frigid darkness that surrounds the bar counter would be signal enough that there will be no more liquor. Nope, the idiots still have to ask, can I get a drink? You're already drunk. Stick yourself with a pin and drink your blood. Its probably 2% more alcohol than you'd get from a beer.

And why do we gotta be SO, DAMN, ANAL about the bloody tips!?! This is a concept that I do not fathom. To watch people ferret through the quarters and loonies they've collected in a cup over the night, you'd assume they were homeless people we'd pulled off 1st Avenue. They scrap and forage through a collection of coins like they haven't seen hard currency in two years. Its a few, measly dollars. Relax people. Its just money.

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