Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Here's what I want to know.

These two nitwits, Paris and Nicole, are all about image, and beauty, makeup/hair/style and on, and on and on. So, today they are working in a beauty salon.


I don't get it. This IS their calling. They should be fantastic at this. Then again, you take a look at the pancake approach they use on their own faces, and it gives a person pause. Nevertheless, they try to promote the agenda that they are hot, and know how to create hot. So why the hatchet job?

This is the fundamental flaw with The Simple Life. Its staged. Its supposed to be reality, but its clearly not because the principles are obviously doing things that are out of character for a typical person. And that's why you can't really embrace the show. You know its all a put-on.

In conclusion, I thought this episode was stupid. Paris and Nicole can't even do a good job of working in a beauty salon? If even that is a joke then what's the point? Luckily the biker family was of just the right temperment to put up with this idiocy.

See you all again next week!!!

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