Tuesday, July 27, 2004

I will freely admit that I have no clue about all the intricacies involved in the BSE crisis that is ruining (or so we are told) the lives of cattle producers in Canada. However, I have some ideas.

1) Grow something else. I was reading the wall of the diner today, as I awaited the completion of my cheeseburger. They were offering a conversion to buffalo or elk burgers, for a lower price. So, I asked myself the question, why not buffalo, elk, deer? I have not heard mention of any of these animals getting mad cow disease. (and why would they, they're no cows) Perhaps we could end-run that beef embargo by selling the Americans some exotic meat.

2) Why not a BSE-resistant cow? We can build all kinds of hybridized plants, flowers, and other assorted living things, so why not a cow that can't get BSE? If the cow can't get mad cow disease, the ban on the shipping of them would have to be lifted, wouldn't it? How can you ban something because it might carry disease if genetically it can't get the disease? Makes sense to me.

Points to ponder. Toodles.

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