Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Okay people, we have to talk about this.

What is the deal with releasing TV shows on DVD? I'm not opposed to the concept. There are some shows that are 'classic' enough that we deserve the opportunity to acquire DVD copies of them, for future enjoyment. What is baffling me is, this trend towards releasing EVERYTHING on DVD.

For reasons I won't go into here, I happened to be looking on Future Shop site tonight for new, or soon to be released, DVD's. In my search I came across the fact that they are releasing 'Boy Meets World' on DVD.

Boy Meets World!?! Are you serious? Yes, the show had the occasional moment. And yes, Topanga was hot, but good grief! This show was hardly classic. And it certainly wasn't good, by an objective review of its merit. At best it was pandering to teenage idolatry. It does not deserve to be on DVD. Nor does Saved By The Bell, which I noticed on the Future Shop stores shelves, on one of my visits to that store. In fact, Saved By The Bell is an even more egregious travesty. That show SUCKED!!! I can say that, while fully admitting I used to watch it faithfully. But again, it was pseudo-porn for kids that couldn't get real porn. Guys could fawn of Kelly Kapowski, and then 'need a moment'. I suppose girls might have gone for Zack or A.C. God help them if Screech turned their crank. The production value was brutal, in either instance. Please, spare us from such ill advised releases.

But I suppose, its cheap revenue. The shows are not in production anymore, and the likelihood is, the principals of the show see little or no cut if more money is made in DVD sales. If you're a fat cat Hollywood type, why not release something with a cult following on DVD. The fanboys will probably buy it, and at least insure that the adventure does not lose money.

Still, I wish they'd consider these things from a cultural perspective. Do we really want future generations to find out that we were entertained by something so vacuous?

I'm out.

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