Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I went to the bank today. I'm going to Wisconsin for a plant tour this week and I figured I should have some American money. In case I want to get a sandwich or need to pay for a cab. So I went to my bank for a withdrawal.

I go to the teller and first of all, the scanner machine didn't like my card. Why the hell do I have to use a scanner at the god damn teller? I'm standing right there! But no, we have to fuss with the stupid scanning machine for like 5 minutes, even though it clearly doesn't want to work.

It finally worked.

Anyway. . . I ask for $100 in American money. It seemed like a nice, round number. She goes and fetches the American money. She looks through it and says to me 'we only have $100 bills'.

WHAT in THEE hell is up with that!?!

Can someone explain to me why a bank would even KEEP $100 American bills? What practical purpose could this serve? People come into the bank and need $5's and $10's. Not hundreds! This is functionally useless. And yet, its all they had. So I had to take the stupid $100 bill, go to another bank, and change it into more usable denominations.

Sometimes the insanity of the world makes me want to smack my head.

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