Monday, May 28, 2007

Well that pisses me off.

Ottawa has lost the first game of the 2007 Stanley Cup Finals. For two periods it didn't look like they would. There were some lapses but overall they had Anaheim under control.

Then they tanked the third period.

What the hell was that about? I swear, the effort in that third period looked like the pick-up teams we have on Friday afternoon hockey in the winter. It was terrible. I thought I could advance the puck farther up the ice than Ottawa did. I think they spent most of the first 15 minutes of that period in their own end. Did they even have a shot on net? It was retarded.

Which is only compounded by the fact that they poured it on after going down a goal. Obviously they were playing like idiots for some kind of reason. They could have won if they'd played all period like they did in the last 2 minutes.

I wish I understood how professional athletes can tank it so badly in a championship game.

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