Monday, May 28, 2007

What's the deal with every website wanting to install a toolbar in my browser!?!

The first, and most egregious, of these things is the Google toolbar. Now I will grant, Google is the best thing to happen to internet search since, well, forever. But I don't need a god damn toolbar in my browser, screwing everything up, just so I can save one click.

Who doesn't have Google in their bookmarks? Anyone? Does having a TOOLBAR actually save us any real work? You click in the Google toolbar or you click your bookmark. Its about the same thing.

And no matter what site I go to, email, shopping, messaging, they all want to install a toolbar. Screw off with your toolbars!!! All they do is slow up performance and clog up the arteries of my computer with useless crap I'll never use. Toolbars are the Twinkies of the internet. Strangely appealing but likely to lead to a premature heart attack (or hard drive replacement)

Down with toolbars!!!

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