Friday, December 30, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

Do you think a prostitute gets her money's worth out of a daily ad in the newspaper?

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Watching movies this week I have come to a conclusion:

Kate Beckinsale is hot.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

I made $241.85 in tips in 2005. What should I buy with it?

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

I predict that, if you give the Pittsburgh Penguins a couple of years, they are going to be among the elite teams in the NHL.

Friday, December 23, 2005



bi - which is just incredibly greedy
car - like what you drive
bon - which is French for good
ate - like I did to my sandwich
Blog Question Of the Morning:

Do shipping companies (Purolator, UPS, FedEx) stop moving parcels during the Christmas holiday season?
I hate people that have no trouble falling asleep.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

If you were designing a new laptop, what features would you include on it?
Did anyone else notice the re-occuring theme of decapitation in the movie 'Sin City'?
How do you tell the difference between worthwhile and foolish spending?
I meant to write this last night but I ended up forgetting.

I give a thumbs up to the movie The Transporter. Formulaic but an exciting, fast paced movie. I recommend giving it a try.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

6:30 on a the last Wednesday before a Christmas vacation and I'm still in the office. That sounds about typical.

Its been a decent week so far. My garage is getting to look like something so I'm feeling enthusiastic about that. Not that there's been any other great successes to report but a general sense of positivity is permeating my mind. That and a lot of questions. I asked a lot of questions today.

Okay, I'm officially weird. Good night!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Favorite toy, thy name is PlayStation Portable
If anyone in my readership happens to be or know who is, could you get them to knock it off? I can't answer MSN messages that come in Spanish.
I confirmed at lunch today that my garage does, in fact, have erected walls.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

I've spent a lot of time thinking about things lately. I've had occasion to consider the circumstances of my life and I am forced to admit that after a year of attempts, I have not accomplished any of the things that I wanted for this year. This has caused me to reach a conclusion.

I need an adventure.

I listen to the conversation among people and they always have exploits to share. Wild times that they've gone though and how its shaped their life. I don't have any stories. I play it safe, cut my risks, and end up boring. I don't want to be boring.

But because I'm the Ned Flanders of adventure, I don't know where to start. Please forward to me any suggestions you might have for an adventure I should undertake. I think I've had my fill of childish fun, since I've spent nearly the entirety of my existence fostering my inner child. I've missed out on the formative hijinks. What stupid fun should I be having to fulfill my sense of inadequacy.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

I'm willing to beg now.

Is there anyone that will travel with me to Las Vegas?
I know its late but I just can't get passed this.

Why would ANYONE give a rat's ass about Paris Hilton?
Blog Theology Of The Night:

What if God doesn't exist, but the Devil does?

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I swear I will never understand Wal-Mart.

I just wanted some pop. A nice, easy and should have been quick trip into the store for ONE itme. But nothing about Wal-Mart can be quick, easy or painless.

First of all I can't find the god damn pop. Every other bloody Wal-Mart in the world looks exactly like all the rest. This one had to have the damn grocery section off in a different spot. FINE, whatever. So I get the pop. Not without having to maneuver around idiots in shopping carts. (Don't EVEN get me started on shopping carts. People that come to the mall in the winter and get a shopping cart JUST for their coat drives me right up the wall) So I want to pay for my purchase and get the hell out of Dodge. Can that be simple? HELL NO!!! Its bloody Christmas season and true to form Wal-Mart is skimping on the staff and every singe line is 4 deep with idiots buying a month's worth of supplies.

Do you know what I actually heard someone say, as I was hunting for the pop. I'm going to have to paraphrase a little as the exact comment eludes me but it went something like this. "But its 4 cents cheaper her then at Shoppers' FOUR CENTS CHEAPER!?! Is your world going to be that rocked that you can price shop for FOUR cents? Come on people. Buy the crap and go home. Wal-Mart is evil.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Can someone please explain to me why I'm having so much trouble with MSN lately? Here I am again, trying to log in and have it tell me the service is not available. I know that to be false because I am able to log in under a different Hotmail address that I have created. So what gives? Is this just Bill out to get me or what?
Blog Song Of The Day:

Paul Oakenfold - Starry Eyed Surprise

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Blog Poll Of The Day:

Which of the following would you prefer?

a) sex
b) ice cold Pepsi
I was reading this article earlier today about car theft in Canada. Among the top 10 cars most frequently stolen in Canada, 4 of the leaders were variants of the Honda Civic. The article went on to say that the most commonly stolen vehicles were those that did not have an ignition immobilizer.

This got me to thinking . . .

Why would you steal a Civic? I mean, REALLY!?!

The Civic is a stupid, clunky barget basement piece of foreign garbage. If you're going to break the law and steal a car, at least target something good. Immobilizer or not, go after something flashy and worth grabbing, like a Lexus or a sports car of some kind. Sure its probably harder to do but since when was anything good easy?

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Blog Word Of The Day:

How long is it likely to take for my Playstation Portable to arrive from Aeroplan?
Does anyone want to come to Watson and keep me company for the weekend?

Monday, November 28, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

Should I sell my house and learn to just live in my office between Monday and Friday?
Blog Song Of The Day:

Yellowcard - Only One

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

What are those temporary tattoos, like the ones the give out at sporting events, made of that makes them temporary?

Friday, November 25, 2005

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Why does it bother me in a vague way that Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey are separating?

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Can someone explain to me how you can take as talented an actress and Natalie Portman, and reduce her to the relevance of a porcelain figurine?

I'm watching Star Wars Episode III. This is the same girl I watched in Garden State a couple of weeks ago, and she lit up the movie with characer. In this she's just a china doll to put obscure hair styles on, and make her say stupid lines. Its a crime.

This is a good story. A little better execution in certain spots would have carried a long way. Not the least of which is a better use of the talented Ms. Portman.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Is there any musical group that gets annoying faster than Outkast?
Blog Poll Of The Day:

Do you know what the word 'misanthrope' means, without looking it up in the dictionary?

Sunday, November 20, 2005

I was installing Windows for someone today. This is a horribly tedious project and leaves lots of time for introspection. I came up with a question.

Why is it that the only thing people would want bundled into Windows, an anti-virus program, is the only thing they don't include with the package?

Friday, November 18, 2005

I swear the universe must be sentient. There's no way one guy could be this unlucky. The only possible excuse is that:

fate. . .
the universe. . .
destiny. . .
the cosmos. . .
God perhaps. . .

is out to get me.
It smells like Subway in here.
I had the strangest dream last night.

First of all, I was on vacation. But it was no place I'd ever been before. I think it was Mexico, or supposed to be Mexico, but I have this recollection of being just off the coast of Florida. It was a lush, tropical location. The resort layout was kind of strange, or at least nothing I was used to. All the cabins were along the ocean front, and you walked from place to place through the bushes, along this wood sidewalk.

That's not what was strange.

First of all, I was there alone, while everyone else was with someone. That depressed me but whatever. My cousin Bruce was there, but I've never travelled with him. I was bunking with Cowan, but he wasn't there alone, so I didn't quite understand that. Plus, I knew all these people were on the trip but I could never find anyone. I was always on the beach alone.

Somehow I'd hurt my hands so I was leaving the beach a lot to go re-wrap them with gauze. I didn't understand that at all.

Here's the weird part. I went walking on this open land that actually resembled a golf course a lot, but no one was playing golf. Suddenly, out of the pond started walking this huge lizards. But the silly thing was, they didn't look leathery and 'real' like you'd expect. They were all wildly colored and vaguely cartoonish. Actually, they were painted up like you'd expect to see video game monsters.

Now I get all excited about these monsters and go looking for my friends. I find them, and they assure me I must be over-reacting and completely wrong. So I take them back to where I find the monsters and they all freak out when they realize that I'm right. So we're running from place to place in this resort, and the whole place is over-run with cartoon-like dinosaur monsters.

I think that dream ended when I woke up in a start because I had the blankets wrapped around my leg. Then I had another dream that I was living in my new house, but it was actually attached to the house I live in, in Central Butte. But the stupid part was that the houses were only joined, with an indoor walkway, through the attic. And the door to get from one to the other was this solid steel door, with a massive hydraulic contraption for opening it. And to add final insult to the injury of using it, it was only about half the regular height of a regular door.

I think I need to lay off the cheap drugs.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Do you ever encounter something and you can't help asking - what's the point?

I'm downloading drivers for a computer today. And every driver I want to download comes with a 19 page document prefacing the download button. WHY!?! Nobody reads these things. I mean NOBODY. We all just scroll down and click Accept.

At least have the decency to put the Accept button at the top. Think of those people without scroll mouses.

Monday, November 14, 2005

I swear people must be stupid.

On one day you will have them bitching sulfuriously about the price of gas. The commentary will be that high gas prices are the ruination of society. We will be completely bankrupt by ruthless corporations bent solely on stealing our hard earned money.

Then another day when its only modestly cold, they will start their vehicle 15 minutes before they intend to go home so that the interior can be warm when they get in.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Today my wrath is directed towards the insidious presence of:

AOL Music - First Listen

Why must they ruin everything with their annoying corporate presence!?!

Friday, November 11, 2005

I went to Taco Time for lunch today. I ordered a chicken taco. Below you will find my review of it.


Thursday, November 10, 2005

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I am contaminated with fecal coliform.
Ever have one of those days where you just wanted to steer into the oncoming traffic?

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I just realized something.

I could have put my house purchase on my credit card.
I feel really tired tonight. Can writing an 11 page letter make you drowsy?

Monday, November 07, 2005

And one more thing on top of the last thing . . .

Souris can suck my ass.
And one more thing . . .

For those of you that knew about my trouble with my digital video camera, and the fact that I lost the AC adapter to charge the battery . . .

I found it. It was in my backpack, of all places.
I wish someone could explain to me, in a way that made clear and rational sense, why you'd put a metal RING through any part of your traditionally unadorned face!?!?!
If anyone needs me, I'll be on the phone all afternoon.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Blog Poll Of The Day:

Which of the following is preferable?

a) ice cold Pepsi
b) ice cold beer

Thursday, November 03, 2005

The password for the water plant I was in today is: 618

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

And . . .

For reasons that completely defy explanation, all of the web pages (including Blogger) that wouldn't work on my computer at work, have today started displaying again. I did nothing to make this happen. Everything just . . . worked.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Does anyone else think that the re-incarnated Family Guy is a bit lame in comparison to the original run?

Saturday, October 29, 2005

I think its funny that Microsoft, that tried to create their own music format to replace MP3's, uses MP3's in their video game products.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I think they ruined Mountain Dew.

I used to really like it. It was sweet, had a nice citrus bite to it, and even if it got warm it was still palatable. Now it has a weird, icky taste to it. I'm not sure how to describe it actually. Its lost its fresh, citrus bit and instead has an almost bitter finish to it. I don't like it at all.

Why do they gotta ruin good things in the name of innovation? You'd think they'd all have realized the folly of doing that with New Coke. But here they are, putting stuff in the drinks in an effort to make 'new' products. We don't NEED new products. Just leave the good ones alone and let us enjoy them.

Progress pisses me off.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

I have determined that RC Cola goes down WAY too easy.
I have spent the day contemplating my personality and what makes me who I am. After long hours of thought I have decided what is my most significant failure.

I don't finish the things that I start.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Yesterday was a screwed up day. I got possession of my house. After the long, arduous battle it finally became mine. Then I was at once both excited and terrified. I muddled my way through it somehow and started moving.

That was a weird experience too. I didn't have a plan for it. I just walked into a room full of clutter, started rifling things into a box, and hauled it over. In a more detached frame of mind I can see how that isn't the most efficient way to accomplish the task. But I wanted to DO something, and just stuffing boxes wasn't going to satisfy me. So I packed, and hauled and repeated. Then I took a look around my new house and nearly had a heart attack. How am I going to fit everything into this tiny little place!?!

It looks a little better today. I took some stuff out of boxes and put it on shelves. Even that wasn't very orderly and I can make it more tidy. I have more hope today, then I had yesterday, that I can make this new place work. But its not going to be a walk in the park. I'm going to have to trim and be ruthless in what I keep and what I discard. I don't have the space I had before. Maybe when I build the addition I can expand but that's probably not happening until the spring.

Its going to be a crowded winter.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

Should I buy a baseball game for my XBox?

Sunday, October 16, 2005

I learned something about myself tonight. I don't stand out in the front where everyone can see me. I am much more comfortable hiding in the shadows, spewing venom in the form of acerbic commentary.

I think my attitude needs adjustment.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Today was a momentous day. I went to the lawyer's. The long, painful battle that has been my quest to purchase a house crossed what should be its last obstacle. I signed the documents to confirmed my mortgage.

But, as with every step in this struggle, this one was not without incident. I get to the lawyers, expecting to make my down payment and I hear from the guy (who was disarmingly jovial, and not what I expected for a lawyer) that the bank wants to put up the purchase price of the house. Thus threw me for a loop because then why was it so important that I find 25%, if they weren't going to take it off the top. We eventually got that sorted out, and the bank is covering my $7500.

Soon I will be a home owner!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

Why did they get rid of Mountain Dew Red?
Blog Song Of The Day:

Tupac & Dr. Dre – California Love

Monday, October 10, 2005

If you are to believe these commercials, a body spray for men is very effective at drawing favorable attention. Am I missing something important? Should I be purchasing some of this product?
I'm having an introspective afternoon. I don't know why but my mind has turn to the disappointments and letdowns of the recent past. I made an oath at the beginning of this year and despite my best efforts, its looking like I'm going to fail in that pledge. And that bothers me. So I was trying to think of things I could do that might have the possibility of redeeming this rather lackluster year.

As this long weekend comes to a close, I have developed another of my infamous Blog Questions Of The Day:

What activities belong on a list of one's that everyone should experience at least once in their life?

Sunday, October 09, 2005

I give her credit for actually singing live this time but I gotta say, Ashlee Simpson has all the rhythm of a sack of wet cement.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Not all of you are going to know what I'm talking about, as I launch into this rant. Nonetheless it irritated me for about the thousandth time tonight, so I'm going to write it down.

Why the hell can't the stupid TV be pointed in a direction that would make it possible to see it decently from the bar? I'm standing behind the bar and I can just see enough of the Rider game to tease me. The stupid TV is twisted in the other direction for some asinine reason. It doesn't appear to have had any logic applied to it. The angle of the TV is NOT parallel to the wall on which it is affixed. And this is probably what irritates me the most. If they'd just installed it the at the same angle as the wall is cut, then I'd be able to see it just fine. But NOOOOO, we can't do that.

I swear they're doing it specifically to piss me off.

Friday, October 07, 2005

See if you follow my logic

I know two Melissa’s

Those Melissa’s are hot

Therefore, all Melissa’s are hot

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

What would you do if you won $100,000?

Its not enough to quit your job and live a life of luxury but it would buy a few creature comforts, luxuries and toys. What would you get out of the money?
Its a magical time of year.

Some of my enthusiasm for baseball has waned, now that my team is no more. No matter my displeasure for Major League Baseball, the playoffs are hard to resist. Televised baseball in October has something special. Perhaps its that each game matters. That is in contrast to the 162 they can play, where any one individual doesn't matter. Its only the total that makes any difference.

And they can conjure up some of the most obscure trivia during a playoff baseball game. They rather laid-back tempo of baseball leaves a lot of air time to fill with chatter. There is always and abundance.

"The only major league team with a winning record during Joe Torre's tenure as manager is the Angels"

Some guy scoured a record book to find that. And it won't be the last. There will be more of these comments over the following days and weeks. Its baseball season, and the historian in every announcer must make an appearance.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

What's your favorite song that no one else likes?

Thursday, September 29, 2005

I just finished watching the movie 'Deliverance'. I'm going to be honest. I didn't get it. It was so unexciting. It lasts two hours but nothing happens. I think you're supposed to be captivated by the moral dilemma brought forth by what these guys experience but it seems pretty clear-cut to me.

Arrogant city guys go into a backwater county and meet mountain folk. Naturally there's a culture shock.

Stereotype prevails and unlettered mountain ruffians violate a pair of the protagonists.

Revenge ensues.

The movie ends about the way you expect.

Why did it have to take two hours? And what was with the last half hour especially? There was nothing to this movie. Like I said, I think you're supposed to be drawn into the moral question posed by the killings. I guess I'm a little too much from the 'do unto others' school of thought. You mess me up, and I'll return the favor. I think the mountain men deserved it.
Blog Exclamation Of The Day:

Stück Scheiße!!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Have you ever noticed how the floor gets dirty, even in parts of the house you never use?

I swept the floor today. It needed it. But what I found remarkable was, how much stuff was on the floor in parts of the room I don't use. Take for instance under the table. I don't use my kitchen table. Ever. Its mostly just a place to dump bills and such correspondence and as a place for my mobile recharging station. (I have a power bar dedicated to recharging batteries or things with batteries) There was so many crumbs and grit and such under there. How did that happen? I never use that space.

Isn't this just the most inane blog entry of all time?

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I really don't get this. I just finished watching 'Back In' on MuchMoreMusic. They were doing 1992. As they close the episode we learn that Pearl Jam's 'Jeremy' was the number one video of 1992. We also learn that Billy Ray Cyrus' Achy Breaky Heart is the number one WORST video of 1992. (I don't disagree)

Here's what I don't get. As the credit roll we have to be subjected to Billy Ray Cyrus' song. WHY!?! You have the opportunity to play a classic Pearl Jam song and instead you play THAT!?!

There are some messed up people in entertainment programming.

Monday, September 26, 2005


One girl - must like going to the movies
I've got a sty in my eye.

Can someone explain to me how this happens? Every so often I just end up with one. I read the definition of sty on the internet, and what causes it but frankly, neither one was very helpful. I'm still here with this damn thing poking me in the eyeball, and without a way to get rid of it.

Now if things stay true to normal, it will be gone soon. Which I suppose I should just take comfort in, and stop worrying about it. Nonetheless I'm curious about what I could possibly do to avoid this discomfort at a later time.


Saturday, September 24, 2005

Can someone please explain Wal-Mart to me?

I got up early today, so I could get my errands done before the 'horde' raised itself to begin its weekly binge of consumerism. I was stymied in my attempt by the fact that the first place I had to visit was not open until 10:00. So I couldn't get to Wal-Mart until after that.

And it was already a gong show.

What the hell is with people and this store? Its not so super good that you can't get the same, or similar, prices at half a dozen other places in the city. So why the mad flock to this accursed place? My purpose for going there was that they often have older video games on for cheap, and its about the only place I think of to start my search for an old game I wanted to buy. Otherwise I'd have not darkened its doors.

But why are there so many people there at 10:00 in the morning? Sure, they probably were doing like me, and trying to avoid the screaming horde, but in so doing, they became the screaming horde. I suppose its about saving money but the deals aren't taht good. They're good, no doubt, but not enough to justify what I witnessed.

Go to Zellers people. Go anywhere. Its just a store.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Believe it or not, I don't think I have anything to say today.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Blog Question OF The Day:

Would I be happier if I had a snake?
Which movie was better?


Predator 2?

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Blog Question For Music Aficionados:

(yes, I just wanted to use the word aficionado)

What's the best Eminem song of all-time?
Today in house news . . .

I got a call from my mortgage lawyer. It seems the property I want to buy has a Writ of Execution lodged against it. Now as it was explained to me, that's kind of like a lien. But when I did a web search on the term, it came back that the house was available for seizure for non-payment of funds. That sounds a little more serious than I got the impression of, from the lawyer.

So it wasn't a stellar day in TELK world.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Blog Question Of The Night:

If they make 'cookie dough' ice cream, do they make 'cookie' ice cream?
Blog Question Of The Day:

What did people use for garbage bags before plastic?

Monday, September 19, 2005

Luckily they are easy to kill
With the coming of the fall colors has arisen one of my arch-enemies . . .

the common housefly

Friday, September 16, 2005

Does anyone just USE software anymore? Do we have to screw with it all the time?

I'm trying to play a video game tonight. Admittedly, I don't log on as often as some. Perhaps that is why I'm so annoyed by this. But I have to patch my game. Patch it to the tune of 65 MB. That seems a little excessive.

Can't they get it right the first time? Why do I need a 65 MB patch? That seems like a lot of repairing to something I'm paying a BOATLOAD of money for. With the monthly subscription we're well into the hundreds of dollars now.

Oh well, my patch is nearly done. I guess I'll go. Any software guys out there, maybe you can heed my plea and write more thorough code. But probably not, because we still keep buying the buggy crap.


Thursday, September 15, 2005

I have a meatball in my lung. I think its the right one.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Blog Song Of The Day:

Fallout Boy - Sugar, We're Going Down

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

B T W . . .

Just how much does body waxing hurt?
Blog Question Of The Day:

Where can the ordinary guy buy the classic cherry bomb?

Monday, September 12, 2005

I was watching 'I, Robot' today at lunch time. I made an interesting observation.

Does your average robotic psychologist really throw on a pair of leather pants before dashing out the door to save the world?

I dunno. It didn't seem like a logical course of action to me.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Blog Question OF The Day:

Have any of you ever seen it rain like this before?

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Blog Question (No. 2) Of The Day:

Could my rampant paranoia be, in part, due to a wax build-up in my ears?
Blog Question Of The Day:

Should I buy new shoes?
I gotta say something.

First of all, you really need to know your venue. Sure, it might be important in Detroit, where everyone carries a handgun, to screen people entering a rock concert. It might be appropriate in that instance. But this is Saskatchewan. The rowdiest thing that might happen here is a drunken fist-fight. And I've seen drunk guys fight before. They are more of a danger to themselves than they are to anyone else.

But even if you deem it necessary to screen everyone entering the building, then for god sake hire some decent security. For all that they are doing, you might as well have no security, than what they had last night.

Here's the hyprocrisy of it. There's six million security staff at the arena for the Pearl Jam concert. (which kicked ass, by the way) But I can walk around like I own the place simply because I look like I know what I'm doing. I had no uniform. My clothing was not adorned with any security passes, or anything that indicated I was staff. And yet I was able to walk backstage with no problem. Security staff covering the entrances to the building did not ask me my purpose. I walked past two security check points and no one acknowledged that I should check with them. There was a nominal metal check at a door, but he didn't ask if I should be there. I wouldn't have had to sign in had I not chosen to, because nobody policed that either.

Hire all the security that you want but if they aren't going to do something, then you might as well have no security at all.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Tuesday Night Poetry:

If you've got a problem,
We don't care.
The line to complain,
starts way over there.
Happiness is . . .

a perfectly cooked Pizza Pop.

Monday, September 05, 2005

I just watched about 30 minutes of 'First Daughter'. It has caused me to reach a very painful conclusion.

Tom Cruise must be stopped from marrying Katie Holmes. She is just FAR too cute to be wasted on him.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Blog Quote Of The Day:

"Uh...I'm don't think I can do that sir"

Thursday, September 01, 2005

You know who I feel sorry for right now?


Its gotta suck to watch a good crop come up in the field. Nice conditions in the spring and summer to grow a crop. First some rain, to get things going, and then a period of good, warm heat to ripen it and make it ready.

So they go out, like they always do. Cut down the straw and prepare for the harvest.

And then it rains.

A lot.

Inches at a time.

I don't know much about farming, but all those thick swathes that I used to see as I drove along, are awfully damn sad looking now. I hope they can salvage something from this season.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

Who am I?
Messages to people I don't seem able to reach:

To the best friend that I wronged . . . I am sorry.

For the girl that doesn't get it . . . go away.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

For reasons that defy any attempt on my part to justify, I watched the Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen visit MuchMusic special tonight. Having done this, I can reach only one conclusion.

Mary-Kate Olsen has a serious drug problem.
I need to complain about something. In the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter that much but it still pissed me off.

I'm going home for lunch today. If you take the road that goes in front of my office, you have to stop at Main Street for a stop sign. Main Street is the through-road, so both east and west roads must stop.

I do as instructed. I get to Main Street, and I come to a full and complete stop. I was there well before the idiot blonde in the car that was coming at me from the other side. And as there was no traffic coming in either direction on Main Street, I decided to make my left hand turn.

This twink blonde, in her selfish, indulgent way barely even acknowledges the stop sign, and plows right across the road in front of me. HELLO!?!!?! Turning left here!!!

Is it wrong to arm your vehicle with anti-tank weapons, for just such an occasion as this?

Monday, August 29, 2005

Blog Poll Of The Day: (Part One)

Who has seen '40 Year Old Virgin'?

(Part Two)

Do nice guys finish last?
Is it gay that I actually like the newest Hilary Duff song? Not because its Hilary Duff, but because I like the song for its musical attributes?
Blog Question Of The Day:

What foodstuffs belong in a Chicken Club?

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

What's wrong with people that save a whole album as ONE mp3 file?
What the hell is wrong with some people!?!

I checked my cell phone just now and someone phoned me at quarter after ten at night. At night!?! Don't I get to be 'off the clock' for at least a little while? It just so happens I was sleeping at 10:15 last night. Granted, it was on the couch, but the point remains.

There should be a maximum allowable time of day people are allowed to call you. Obviously there are exceptions, like if someone has exciting news, or something monumental happens. To just call for the sake of it, that late at night, is rude.

At least that's what I think. Anyone care to argue me?
Can someone explain to me why some days Blogger will load, and others it stalls out?

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

If you were deciding the menu for a gourmet feast, which entree would be your lead selection?

a) chicken cordon bleu
b) pork tenderloin
c) prime rib of beef
d) rack of lamb
I fixed my VCR.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Thoughts about food. . .

I love Diet Orange Crush

What about ranch dressing makes it 'ranch'?
If you make a mistake doing whatever it is you were just doing, just say:

"I was trippin' balls when I did that"

Monday, August 22, 2005

We have crossed one more hurdle in the unstoppable march towards the purchase of a house. The funds for my down-payment were transferred into my account this afternoon. I have completed the last of my requirements to make this house purchase go. All that remains is for the seller to clear up their legal pronouncements, and we finally close the deal.

I am excited tonight!
Blog Question Of The Day:

Was Star Wars: Episode Three the best of the Star Wars movies?
Blog Recommendation Of The Day:

Don't try to watch Star Wars while you drive.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A couple of things . . .

Why does serving Smirnoff Ice vodka drinks always make me crave 7-Up?

If my internet use practices are so unsafe, why is it that Trend Micro Housecall and Spybot Search & Destroy never find any problems with my system?

Friday, August 19, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

Why exactly, is it that we are supposed to let the good times 'roll'?

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

Does the Witness Relocation Program have a website or an email address?

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Now I'm a Hilary Duff fan, and I don't want to be negative but . . .

Hilary needs to gain a couple of pounds.
I had reason to be at our new shop this morning. My builder had a question for me, and requested that I travel over to take a look. It was no hardship for me so I got on the pedal bike and scurried over.

On the way back I had reason to take notice of my surroundings. Looking up the road from our new building, I took note of the fact that the street my new house is on, is a mere block and a half from the new shop. Now I will have absolutely no excuse for not walking/biking to work. For a distance so short, it would be grotesquely wasteful to not travel the span by a human-powered means.
Can someone explain to me why my computer would suddenly stop loading the Blogger page properly, and then just as mysteriously start displaying it properly again!?!

Monday, August 15, 2005

It's time.

I'm now in a bad mood. Its a slow, boring Monday out here in the middle of nowhere. We're just this side of bored out of our minds. There's an old classic on the TV tonight, Pump Up The Volume. A classic tale of teen angst from the classic period of my life. No one is chatting on the old chat box tonight, so I thought I'd log into my favorite game, World of Warcraft, for a couple hours of activity that ultimately leads nowhere.

And what am I repaid with, as I attempt to redeem the site access that I pay a pretty penny for? The god damn game will not allow me to log into the server that houses my characters. Oh, I can log into the game. But the server I need to connect to, where my characters are, and where all my friend play, that damn realm isn't even in the bloody list!!

What the hell is this crap!?! I give these people $15 a month for the privilege of letting me play a stupid game that does little more than steal from my bank account. And all I ask is that when I want to play, whenever that is, that the damn server is up and available for my use. But instead I get . . . this.

We end with a Blog Question Of The Day . . .

Should I cancel my World of Warcraft subscription?
Does anyone want to bring me a root beer?

Friday, August 12, 2005

Today is a very special day. Not many people are going to appreciate the significance of this date. I actually asked my parents if they knew what was special about August 12 and neither one could figure it out. About the only person that might have a shot at this one is my sister. What makes this day special is something that she had a part in, so its possible she'll know what makes today unique.

It was on this date, 19 years ago, August 12, 1986, that I started my first job, as the new paper delivery boy for the Leader-Post, in the town of Central Butte, Saskatchewan.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I need an answer to a question.

Why are they so hell-bent on putting stuff in cola drinks? It wasn't good enough that they were the number 1 market leading drink all on their own?
Can someone please tell me who decided that facial piercings were a good idea.

I'd like to beat the crap out of them.
I wish to have today stricken from the record:

Our valve order shipped wrong.
Everyone seemed to be angry about something.
I was 2 hours late coming home.
The World of Warcraft server is down.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

Should I have FieldTurf installed in my livingroom?

Friday, August 05, 2005

Remember that comment I made awhile ago about 50 Cent? The same goes for Snoop Dogg.


Thursday, August 04, 2005

I finally got around to taking a picture of my wound from Monday:

The Watson Town Office has the same four number suffix (3224) as the first phone number I ever memorized as my home number.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I just had a shower. Why won't this fly leave me alone?
I gotta tape this movie!

I'm watching 'American Splendor' here at lunch today. This movie is hilarious for being so pathetic. Which I respect because I share a lot of the same pathetic aspects.

This comic book writer lives a truly bankrupt existence. Then he meets a truly neurotic woman and for some completely asinine reason they decide to get married. The little 'love' scene they share is so typical of my experience that I shudder at the similarities. But its nice to see that my experience is not so atypical that it avoids reproduction on celluloid.

Still, I am hoping for something better for me. Which I will pursue because I believe with heartfelt sincerity that I can succeed where Harvey is truly failing.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

We gotta do something about health care.

I spent 5 hours in Emergency last night. That right, I said FIVE hours. I had myself a problem and it wasn't going to accept a 'screw it' attitude. I was doing some computer work and I picked up the open computer by the frame, and attempted to turn its orientation. I've done this a hundred times and sure, you feel that bite across the fingers, as you grip sharp sheet metal, but I've never injured myself. This was a little different. The metal bit deep into my hand. Deepre than I noticed at the time, to be perfectly honest. When I set the computer down, there was a river of blood running off my arm. I knew this was no run of the mill accident and it was quickly off to the hospital.

Never get hurt on a long weekend. This is the second, of three, long weekends in August that I've had the mistfortune of having to go to the emergency ward. And let me tell you, its the wrong time to need help. I'm not entirely sure what they are thinking, when they short staff the ER on a long weekend. Sickness does not take a long weekend. And when I arrived the place was overflowing with people, waiting for care. Despite bleeding profusely from the hand, I was directed towards a chair, and told to wait.

And the wait lasted FIVE hours. For twenty minutes of minor surgical care from a doctor that still had a long night ahead of him. I have a problem with this. Its not the doctors and nurses fault. They get scheduled, come to work, and do their job. But why aren't there more of them there? This is being repeated, time and time again. We need more people, not more pay for the one's that we have. Get enough staff on the job. Yes, they might not be at 100%, every moment of the day, but when the time comes, it'll be worth it to have enough staff.

I don't think five hours is a reasonable wait for emergency care. I actually consider that quite unacceptable. Nobody bothered to to examine me, and determine whether it was a real emergency or just a minor one. I was given some gauze and a piece of tape, and put in a waiting room. Nobody either acknowledged my existence for 4 hours. What if I lose consciousness and bleed to death in the waiting room? No it didn't happen, but it could. And that's my problem. We're sacrificing proper care for a couple of bucks. Let's set our priorities. Do we want to keep people healthy or not? I think we do.

I don't want to get on a soap box about this, but maybe its time someone did. I survived my five hour wait but how many other people have to suffer this before we say enough is enough. I can't believe there isn't a way to make health care dilligent, without breaking the bank. There has to be a solution to this. I worry that we haven't taken the right approach to solving the problem. There are bright
people in control of our affairs. Maybe we, the little people, need to properly motivate them.

I won't pretend I have the answer. I don't know all the parts of the equation. But I'm sure it has a solution.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

How much important should be given to, what you want, when making a significant life decision?

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Its after hours and as I'm the only one here, I'm soaking up all the bandwidth with Shoutcast. Somthing has come to my attention as I listen to HITZ 977.

Why is 50 Cent popular? The guy is a hack! I have no musical ability at all and I swear I could rap as well as this idiot. All his songs are the same. Its tired.
Ever noticed how one particular song can trigger a distinct, and poignant memory? Personally, I can't listen to the song Bed of Roses by Bon Jovi without thinking of a particular person. And I suspect it will always be that way.
Blog Question Of The Day:

Why does it take until mid-afternoon for me to get wound up to full speed?

Monday, July 25, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

Now that the rabid conservatives have managed to decree that all of humanity is too immature to handle some sexual content, does anyone know where to get a copy of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas?

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Blog Poll Of The Day:

What kind of website do you most like to visit?
I think I just figured out why I resisted using Mac's for so long . . .


Friday, July 22, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

Should I sharpen the edge of all my forks so that I can also use them as knives?

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Can someone please explain to me why you'd avoid using proper capitalization, spelling, punctuation and other grammar rules, when entering the damn ID3 tag information in an MP3 file!?!
Blog Survey Of The Day:

Should I open a night-club in Watson?
The Quick Stop does very well on soft ice cream sales.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I'm turtle-sitting right now.

They are now cleaning the turtle tank we keep in our office. It gets really dirty, really fast, so rather frequently it has to be drained, and then cleaned. That's happening right now. This time they've taken the turtles right out of the tank to clean the walls.

They were in a pail next to my desk. The one is really aggressive, while the other is passive, so turtle A was pushing turtle B around the small pail. That didn't seem fair so I put turtle B on my desk.

He got adventurous and walked right off the edge.

He seems no worse for wear. I built a little wall now, so he shouldn't get any more ideas about walking off the desk. I'm keeping my eye on him too. We don't need a repeat, desk diving, experience.

More on the turtles as news becomes available.
I think you gotta be pretty god damn NON-ego-formed to get pleasure from putting a goldfish into a tank with carnivorous turtles, for the exlicit purpose of watching the goldfish die.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Blog Poll Of The Day:

Please vote on the following question.

Which vehicle best represents my identity?

1) Jeep TJ
2) Ford Mustang
3) Volkswagen Beetle
4) Eagle Talon

Friday, July 15, 2005

Henceforth I shall drink all my beverages from cans.
What a perfect night.

Sometimes everything just falls into place. Its peculiar when it happens. You fall out of your peaceful reverie just long enough to notice that the whole world has aligned into a pattern of sweet serenity. You can cruise the streets of the urban jungle, and the slumbering suburb, and everything just appears content.

The family walks down the sidewalk to the video store, the laughing voices of children crackling in the air.

An elderly couple can walk, hand in hand, up the steps of the library.

Couples can putter in their yard, doing more admiring than trimming. The smiles on their faces radiating, even to a passing vehicle.

The sun, as it sets, casts delicate shadows over everything, punctuating the serenity of the moment.

Everything washes together in a serene tableau. Its breathtaking in its simplicity, and a perfect moment to behold.

Enjoy well this Friday my friends. The days do not get much better than this.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Postscript to last night's entry about housing authority wanting me to clean the bathroom. . .

I cleaned the tub tonight.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Two things to note from my Wednesday.

I did my presentation for Sask Water today. It went extremely well. I was 'presenting' for nearly two hours. Interrupted at several points by discussion from the assembled group, but still in the course of covering my intended material. I spoke in front of a group for the first time, I didn't nearly lose bowel control with anxiety. That was a major first. We talked about a lot of stuff, I seemed well recieved, and people thanked me for the discussion afterward. I'm quite proud of how I did.

Came home tonight and checked the mail. There were two letters from the Watson Housing Authority. This is the board that is my 'landlord'. Every July they do an inspection of their properties, and mine they checked on Monday. Apparently my level of cleanliness is not up to their august standards. I was directed to clean my bathrooms.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Given the tragic nature of what happened at Sunday's performance at the Moose Jaw air show, I felt it was appropriate to include an 'eye witness' account of it, from someone that was there. My good friend Sean attended this tragedy, and provided for my reading, the following account of what he saw:

Day 2 was the day Bobby Younkin and Jimmy Franklin died and yes, we saw the whole thing. The beginning of their “Masters of Disaster” performance was pretty good, they chased each other in circles and made artistic loops in the air with their smoke streams, but then they just went nuts; randomly swooping at each other, doing random barrel rolls and somersaults. The air was quite still so their smoke and exhaust just hung in the air until it was almost difficult to see them when they were directly in front of us. Then the rocket truck arrived on the runway and was just about to go for a few burns up and back in front of us when the crash happened. My father and I were looking at the truck until we heard the “pop” sound. We looked up and saw a ball of flame and black smoke cascading away in two different directions while the 3rd plane in the act continued on to the west. He must have had quite a surprise when he turned around and couldn’t see his buddies anymore…just black smoke. A piece of the one plane’s flaming wreckage almost hit the jet truck while it was coasting down the runway and it had to swerve to miss the wreckage. Moments later fire trucks headed out onto the field as well as the rescue chopper. And yes, as reports in the news indicate, the crowd fell amazingly silent and fast. You could only hear kids babbling around you as every adult fell to silence in disbelief of what had just happened. Jimmy Franklin had just performed with his son moments earlier doing their wing-walking routine (Jimmy would fly and his son did stunts on the wings and shook his father’s hand in mid-air while upside down – his last handshake with his father as it turned out). His son was up in the tower narrating as his father collided with Bobby Younkin’s plane. It’s not known who hit who but from the look of the video and what I remember, Jimmy came up fast and hard from below in his jet plane and clipped Bobby’s prop plane (only Jimmy had a jet engine, the others just had regular propeller engines). Bobby’s plane didn’t even seem to be going that fast when Jimmy zoomed up through the smoke and haze and they hit. It might have been a mechanical problem or medical problem which befell one of the pilots, but it could just as easily been a simple problem of reduced visibility. I mean…at high speeds like that in the jet plane you must have all kinds of smoke streams careening over the front windshield – Jimmy probably couldn’t tell exactly how close he was to Bobby until it was too late. Anyway…it makes you think when you see that happen right in front of you. …and as we stood there in shock, what appeared to be Jimmy’s son went zipping by on a motorcycle across the field to find his father and confirm the worst. But you could tell from the amount of smoke and flame there was no chance anyone could survive. The air show was cancelled within maybe 2 minutes and we were all asked to leave in an orderly fashion…which everyone did. I looked all around me and there were very few smiles left on anyone’s face. A woman and her family with two kids broke into tears just ahead of us…and bad. She must have known one of the pilots dearly because she was crying hard and her nose was running. Yup…in a word it was “horrible.” I would have liked to see the Snow Birds perform as they were up next, but given the circumstances nobody minded missing that opportunity.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

I wish to use this, my personal forum, to register my EXTREME displeasure with how poorly World Of Warcraft exits when you're in a hurry.
For the record, I thought the voluptuous red-headed Lindsay Lohan was exponentially sexier than the blonde waifish Lindsay Lohan that is currently terrorizing the world's hottest clubs.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

This is a message that goes out to all blog readers!

You must kill any and all moths that you encounter. Moths are the larval offspring of Satan himself. If allowed to propagate themselves on our plane of existence, they will meld with one another, and form a portal by which Lucifer will gain footing upon all of our souls.

Please do the righteous thing and kill a moth today.
Blog Question Of The Day:

If you could pick only one card to represent you, from a standard deck of cards, which one would you pick?
Blog Profound Thought:

I hate juicy bugs on my windshield.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Blog Profound Thought:

I don't think mosquitos should be allowed in the house.
What the hell is wrong with people?

This is a classic example of why people should be hunted for sport. It also serves to indicate why some of my 'alleged' anger problem is, in fact, justified.

This also serves to illustrate how easy it is to forget the irritation of urban driving.

But now to the story . . .

I'm driving on Circle Drive. Which, for anyone that knows, is always a bit of a lesson in frustration during the summer, as the city seems pre-disposed to screw with this road every summer. We are stopped at the intersection that is currently recieving construction right now. The whole place is an utter cluster-bomb of disorganization. Rather than be the Mr. Wizard that everyone else is choosing to be, I just stay behind the big truck ahead of me, and decide to wait it out. The light changes and we go through the intersection.

The lane from College Drive merges into Circle Drive after the intersection in question. And predictably enough someone wants to merge from College onto Circle Drive. Now keep in mind my comments from above about the Mr. Wizard phenomenon and how I chose to stay behind the big rig. The consequence to this is, NO ONE is behind me. I use the emphasis of capitals to make a significant point. Ther is no one within vision range, in the lane behind me.

Can anyone guess what behaviour is witnessed by the dumb bitch driver of the red mini-van to my left? Survey says . . . !?!?!?!

You guessed it, she HAD to cut in FRONT of me. I'm bloody near inside the cargo trailer of this truck, because he is going slow, and this Captain Calamity really must be in the lane ahead of me. The idiot sow basically cut me off, getting in, in front of me. I just about slammed my brakes and got out of the vehicle to point out how much territory was available BEHIND me. But nope, she had to slip into the micrometer of space separating me from the cold steel of the back of this cargo trailer.

People irritate me.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

My chocolate milk has a slightly wood-like flavor and odor. Do you think I should be concerned?
Lord and Merciful Creator? A few questions?

1. When have I suffered enough?

2. How much do I have to endure before I am allowed back into your good graces?

3. Is my life supposed to be about pain?

4. Am I being tested?

5. At the end of this ordeal, will a truth be revealed?

6. When is everyone else going to try to follow the moral dictates you made me adopt?

7. Does it ever work out fairly?

8. Why can't I give up?

And just if you're curious, I could do without the taunting. All it accomplishes is making me angry. I don't learn anything. In case you were wondering.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

What is wrong with the following sentence:

My pen is in your hand.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Blog Guessing Game:

How much will the garage addition to my new house be quoted by the local building contractor?
10:30 Blog Question:

Does anyone know of a good site, with Canadian pricing, for household items, like appliances, sheets and towels, and similar goods?

Friday, July 01, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

IF you were to have a super-power, what would you want it to be?

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Blog Interesting Factoid:

At 4:08 in the afternoon, I finally got around to turning on my MP3's. I have not listened to a recorded song since Tuesday afternoon.
I must confess that today has been one of much confusion and considerable introspection. I'm not exactly sure how to process the various thoughts that are swirling around in my brain.

The salesman finally got his walking papers today. Which I am okay with, because about the only thing he was really accomplishing was pissing people off. He'd chased my boss right out of his own office, and had everyone in this organization on high alert, at all times.

However, what I blanche at is the almost giddy glee that has followed his exodus. I can understand some smug self-satisfaction in seeing a hated enemy be vanquished and sent packing. I can accept a little extra curl to the smile that should adorn your face every day. But I think exultant joyfulness is over the top. You hated the guy; the point is taken. But keep in mind, someone just got fired. Their entire world was turned upside down in the span of a few minutes. Be happy he is gone but do not rejoice the event. It is not wine and roses for everyone.

Now I wonder if I'm psychic, because I had a very peculiar dream last night, that would tie into what has happened today. I dreamed that I was starting my first day on the job with a new company. However, it wasn't a new company at all. It was one that had employed me not so many years ago, and sent me packing with all the grace and civility that was afforded our salesman today. The dream was surreal because of this fact. I could not get myself to understand why I would sign back on with these jerks.

It had some other odd moments to it. One, Saskatoon was this traffic-snarled metropolis that I did not know how to manuever. I haven't been scared to drive in Saskatoon since I was 16 years old. And those of you that know me, are aware that point in time is WAY back in the mist. I couldn't find a place to park, so I put it down by a meter on the street. Then I went inside to get parking instruction for the underground parkade and was met by the full force of a Government of Canada terror alert security process. I won't go into the details because they are mindless and boring, but it was security check after security check. For some reason the company I'd just signed on with, had leased office space in a Goverment of Canada building.

Some random weirdness from the dream:

- My old boss, who became my new boss again, and about a dozen earrings in each ear. This included one giant, pirate buccaneer gold one, in each ear.

- All the computers had very small, LCD monitors, maybe 7" in width. But each desk was also equipped with a large plasma TV, to which the computer could be linked.

- The computers were Apple Macintosh machines, running the OS X - Jaguar operating system.

- There was a screw-up with someone's sound and we had rap/metal going for awhile in the office

- No one had offices, it was just a rabbit's warren of desks and book shelves that separated work environments.

It makes me question the concept of clairvoyance though. To dream about things that hadn't touched my last since I was summarily dismissed so many years ago. And have this happen the night before the termination of someone else who was reviled in the organization. The parallels must make you consider some exotic concepts.

Am I wrong?

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

Do they make oscillating fans that have remote control units?

Monday, June 27, 2005

I burped.

It had flavor.

I was unimpressed.
Blog Question Of The Day:

What is my explanation for my slightly creepy fascination with teen comedies?

Saturday, June 25, 2005

There is a topic that does not often get the attention it deserves. In a world gone mad, when you can be exceeding the posted speed limit, and still be passed like you're standing still, the topic I am about to advance would not seem reasonable. My trip in from Watson should have borne out how the world should all slow down. However, that is not the basis of the suggestion I wish to present.

We all need to agree on a minimum speed limit.

I was being passed like a road sign on my drive in. Which I was going to blog about until I got to Circle Drive. Upon doing so, I was intercepted by this impossibly ignorant butt-wedge. I'm trying to merge into traffic, like you're supposed to do. And predictably, no one behaves like they should, and let me in. So there's a bit of drama getting into the lane. And now I'm behind a large truck who can not go fast off the line. So I signal and go into the left lane.

Well so do Joe Seventy Year Old. This IDIOT goes a whopping 60 kmh in the left lane. Nor can I go back in the right, because that's a solid line of traffic. So the whole endeavour is limited by the haul trucks and this jackass in his Buick.

Thus we need a minimum speed limit. If you're not willing to do 90% of the posted speed limit, then you need to stick to side streets. Otherwise you're a hazard to all that drive.


Thursday, June 23, 2005

A couple of things, as I sit here on a Thursday night.

Congratulations San Antonio. I was cheering for you. Not that I really wanted the Spurs to win as much as I didn't want the Pistons to lose. I'm not against the Pistons, but I was really cheering for the Miami Heat, and the Pistons. Go Shaq!!!

During the fourth quarter of an incredibly interesting basketball game, my satellite reciever decided to crap out. I have no idea what its issue was. I have had trouble with reception tonight, but that's because its blowing at about 100 km/h out there. I unplugged it, did some laundry, and then plugged it back in again. Everything was fine. Weird but otherwise non-consequential.

Why does Real Player have to be so insidious? When my reciever crapped out, I went to the internet to listen to the game live, via the web. Much props to the world for inventing the internet. That would have been impossible, 'back in the day'.

I've never listened to a basketball game on radio. It was kind of different. It really makes you notice how truly idiotic the color commentary can be for pro sports. San Antonio is up by 6 with 18 seconds to play and the bonehead color guy is talking about San Antonio having screwed up by using their last time out already. It doesn't matter! Detroit is not scoring 6 points in 18 seconds against that defence!

Back to Real Player. Of course, to listen over the internet I had to install Real Player. I don't recall the last time I felt that dirty. I just hate Real software. I'm constantly scared its running roughshod over my computer. The very first thing I did when the game ended was uninstall Real Player. I hope I suffer no long term issues.

So yes, I'm the Mayor of Loserville. I watched TV all night. How many of you can honestly say you did much better?


Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Would golf be a more interesting TV sport if the players had to wear uniforms?
If you need me, I'll be the guy in the bathroom, he pants around his ankles, banging his head against the wall to distract from the burning sting in his ass.
Crap Conundrum:

When you have the worst experience in the washroom, that is when the plumbing chooses to be the most infuriating.
G&M Word Of The Day:


Monday, June 20, 2005

I need to go on the record with something.

If you stuff it, and wrap it with bacon, I'll eat chicken breast.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Thursday, June 16, 2005

That's it? That's what they're getting excited about? This piece of advertising TRIPE is what has America all in a lather?

Paris Hilton's Carl's Jr. Commercial

I watched it. I can't believe the hype. Its nothing. Perhaps a tad on the cheesy side, but when have the Americans ever cared about that? They sat through two awful Batman movies and they like that idiotic Napoleon Dynamite movie. And they're getting into a lather about a stupid hamburger commercial.

Its not pornography.

To use that loaded term there should at LEAST be nudity, implied or better, and something sexual, implied or better. This commerical fails on both counts. She doesn't get undressed and certainly doesn't do anything sexual.

Why can't Americans just calm down about stuff? This kind of silly crap is why the rest of the world likes to make fun of them. Its a stupid, adolescent pantheon to a woman that is famous only because her money says she is. At worst its in bad taste because it worships something vacuous. But worthy of banning? I think not.

All those of you that are excited about this. Go to a mirror. Take off your clothes. Suck your index finger. Now THAT is pornography.
G&M Word Of The Day:

Blog Quote Of The Day:

I'd be impaled with a knitting needle through my left temple before I'd ever pay to listen to a country music concert

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I was watching a movie this afternoon and had a question. For those that are interested, it was 'How To Deal' starring the effervescent Mandy Moore. Her musical endeavours may be a bit saccharine (I actually favor her) but her acting skills are quite good.

So as part of the funeral scene the crowd mills around outside the church. It starts to rain. Everyone covers their head with the program from the ceremony.

Why!?! What is this compulsion we have to protect our heads from moisture? You're standing out in the rain with no more than a folded 8-1/2x11 sheet of paper and your first instinct is to cover your head. Isn't this absolutely retarded? What kind of protection is a sheet of paper from rain? And what good is keeping a square on your head dry, when everything else about you is soaked to the skin?

If anyone knows the answer, you know where to reach me.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Blog Poll Of The Day:

paper clip or staple?
Well, its official. I'm going to cut grass.

I got up this morning and thought I could avoid the task. I looked out the window and there was rain falling. I smiled quietly, because I thought it would lost most, if not all day, and I wouldn't have to cut grass. But the damned sun came out after lunch and thus I am forced to slice off the top layer again. Once more I will have the nicest lawn in town, with the single worst maintenance record.

I hate my grass.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day - 8:15 Edition:

Does anyone else remember when hard drive sizes had decimals in them?
It is entirely within the realm of possibility that I will never cook another steak as good as the one I made tonight.
Blog Question Of The Day - 11:15 Edition:

Are there any elements in the periodic table of elements that start with a Q?
Blog Question(s) Of The Day - 8:30 Edition:

Why do I have a fondness for the letter 'e' in my login information?

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Is anyone else vaguely uncomfortable with how the little girl that played Hermione in the first Harry Potter movie, is most definitely not a little girl anymore?
Blog Question Of The Day:

Should I buy a color laser printer?
I can't believe I'm watching CFL football on June 11th.

This is so cool!
I'm watching music videos here this morning. I've been on a quest for new music lately. The prodigious amount that I currently have simply is not filling my void for sound to fill my day. I'm trying MuchMusic for clues towards what to acquire.

I have a comment. Now its not exclusive to the genre, but it does provide the most common occurence. They write about half a song. As I've said, its not a general rule, but what is typically referred to as 'R&B' is the most common culprit. Every song has about two sets of verses. Then they loop the damn chorus about 96 times to fill up the time between 1 minute and the 3-1/2 minutes that constitute a radio/video-friendly song.

Shouldn't we demand a little more from these artists? Each song gets annoying quickly, because the repetition grates on the nerves.

Just a thought. Feel free to kick me in the head if I'm wrong.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Grant's Song Recommendation for the Night:

Dashboard Confessionals - Vindicated
For the record, if the Washington Nationals (formerly my beloved Montreal Expos) make noise in the post season, I will be firebombing something.
10:25 Blog Question Of The Day:

Who stole my motivation?
9:27 AM Blog Question Of The Day:

Since I don't like coffee, what should I have to drink, to provide the stimulation I need to get some work done this morning?
9:17 AM Blog Question Of The Day:

Should I buy a rake?

Thursday, June 09, 2005

I"m watching the MTV Movie Awards. They are honoring the classic teen move 'The Breakfast Club'. The question seems obvious.

Blog Poll Of The Day:

To which character from The Breakfast Club do you most closely identify?

P.S. The Yellowcard version of 'Don't You Forget About Me' sucks balls.
Second Blog Question Of The Day:

Is it wrong to have a crush on someone married?
Blog Question Of The Day:

What is your favorite movie soliloquy?

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

Should I wear a belt?
I should have the word 'Souris' tattooed over my butthole so I can crap on it daily.
G&M Word Of The Day:

Okay, I think its time we made a move with the English language. All of these stupid exceptions have got to go. I mean really, this is ridiculous. Why do we have this 'i before e except after c' crap? Come on! Does it really accomplish anything by having this stupid exception? Let's just change all 'ie' words to 'i before e' without exceptions. There are multiple generations of children who can be aided in their spelling if we just dump a completely useless exception to a perfectly valid rule.

Who do I petition to have this changed? Is it the dictionary writers? Is there some grammar and spelling world body against whom I can lodge my complaint? Anyone have any thoughts on how to accomplish this?

Friday, June 03, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

Does anyone remember what it was like before we had on-screen program guides?
Could someone please explain to me, what set of thought processes could lead an otherwise normal looking person to choose to put a ring through their lip? Is there any set of circumstances that would make this a good idea?

I was looking at it today, at the Esso station in Moosomin and for the life of me I couldn't figure it out. Okay, if you've chosen to adorn your face with 17 other piercings, including eyebrow(s), nose, six dozen ear piercing and only god knows what else you wanna stick metal through, then maybe a ring through the lip with fit the general motif. But if that's the ONLY abnormal piercing visible, what in the hell says to you in the morning, today's the day I insert a large, gaudy hoop through my lip, such that I can't speak, eat or use my mouth in its current capacity.

I swear some people are functionally retarded.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Blog Poll Of The Day:

What do you think of the name - Destinia - for a newborn baby girl?

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Did you ever get shampoo in your eye? Remember how it burns and it seems like nothing will flush it out?

Try getting it up your nose.
I happen to be in favor of Paris Hilton getting married. I am also glad to see she's chosen someone we've never heard of, the similarly named Paris Latsis.

Here's to hoping she is so busy being married that she stops bothering the rest of us.
Every so often I see something so stupid on TV that I have to mention it. I try to not get worked up by the little stuff, but I don't have outstanding success with that. Thus definitely fits in the 'small stuff' category, but it still irritates me.

These stupid Dr. Scholl commercials. The one where they are pushing the 'gel' insole. What the hell do these people think they're doing!?! A little snot-covered gweedo drives a baseball through your plate glass window, and destroys your new plasma TV. And you DON'T get upset!?! There is absolutely no way my feet could be so comfortable that I'd shrug off losing a plasma TV. NOT . . . GONNNA . . . HAPPEN.

I feel this commercial needs to be pulled. Who's with me?

Monday, May 30, 2005

I have a request from those of my readers that come from an agricultural background. I spent nearly an hour and a half on my lawn tonight. I must have 3/4 of an acre of it in the back. Which prompts me to wonder.

What are the ramifications of leaving my back lawn to become a hay field?

Please respond as always.
Blog Question Of The Day:

How difficult is baking a potato?

Assuming that baking a potato is not difficult, please provide instructions on how to complete this task, and any suggestions you may have for making the baked potato palatable.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Friday, May 27, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day (Episode Two):

What happens when you microwave an M&M?
Blog Question Of The Day:

What relatively inexpensive toy should I buy myself, to cheer up my day?

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

So, like, today after lunch this totally hot girl named Melissa came up to me. Now I'm thinking, like, why is she talking to me? TO ME!?! So she says, 'You need to find yourself some LoG'. Then she just walked away and like, didn't say another thing.

So, like, ok. What did she mean by that? I'm like totally blanking!

Monday, May 23, 2005

Its time to revisit a former BQOTD . . .

Blog Question Of The Day:

Should I join the Columbia House DVD Club?
This message goes out to all the people that know my as Gaidar. After finding the CORRECT documentation for my router, I have fixed the internet problem I was having, that prevented any WoW playing on weekends. I was online for about 4 hours yesterday and I didn't drop once.

Bring on the Troggs!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2005

I'm watching a disaster movie this afternoon. This one is a volcano movie. Its the standard story, mountain is about to blow its top but everyone is oblivious. A small group of people who understand are doing a Chicken Little shtick, but as usual it falls on deaf ears until its too late.

These two people are stuck up near the peak of the impending eruption. The lava flows have begun and they're being chased down repeatedly bad alternatives. We just had the very cliche, cross a river of lava on a tree that conveniently spans the crevice through which lava flows. (Just as an aside, couldn't they just ONCE be less cliche about it, and make the plucky survivors build their own little bridge over the lava?)

I mention all of this to ask a question. Which, I suspect, will tie into the Star Wars movie I'm hoping to see soon.

How long would it take to die, if you fell in a pool of molten lava?
Please put me down in the, Kate Beckinsale fan, column.
Can we please do something to make sure that Will Ferrell isn't allowed to have a musical number in all of the comedies in which he appears?

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Okay, I gotta say something. There's no way I can let this stand without making a comment.

Joni Mitchell is how you close your show!?! Come on! After 100 years of existence, with all the greatness, and talent that we've produced, we close our centenary show with Joni Mitchell!?! Yeah, she had a hit or two but please!

I'm offended. I'm shocked even. We could have covered any one of a number of different achievers. We've exported everything that we ever discovered had talent.

I can't even think straight.

Joni Mitchell!?!
Blog Poll Of The Day:

Which Quentin Tarantino movie was better?

Pulp Fiction
Kill Bill

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


What does P.S. stand for?

I hate when I type 'know' when I intend to use the word 'now'
It was raining.

I rode my pedal bike.

The clothes I was wearing were not water resistant.

Rain soaked me to the skin.

I did not die.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

Is it called soy sauce because its made of soy or because its intended to make soy products edible?
I wish to try an experiment.

Amongst the 19 dozen thoughts I've had today, I had an idea for something interesting. I'm sure you've all experienced the phenomenon of that new song coming on the radio, and instantly liking. Like all songs though, eventually you get tired of it. What about if you took that idea to its extreme. Pick a new song from the radio, something you really like. Listen to it, repeatedly, until you were sick of it.

For this people, I will need some help.

One, what should the song be?

Two, what is your guess for the number of repeats, until it is irritating?
Blog Survey Of The Day:

What is a word that you wish you could use in a sentence, on a more frequent basis?

Grant's entry = synonym
Blog Wager Of The Day:

Will I develop a stress-induced headache today?

Odds to be laid, after an examination of bets placed.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

If you've seen Reservoir Dogs, is it even possible to listen to Stealer's Wheel - Stuck In The Middle With You without thinking about the cop getting his ear cut off?
I have a question.

First we have to ask, can the average farmer in Canada earn a decent standard of living, under the current economic model? If we are to believe the lobbyists, we must accept the premise that farmers don't get what it is worth to produce food. So, if we follow the chain of dominos that fall down, then we arrive at the conclusion that, the cost of food in the grocery store is not dependent upon the chain that brings it to market.

And if we accept all of that, does it ever make you wonder whether the fact that beef is more expensive that chicken isn't purely arbitrary?

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

Have you ever done sit-ups because you were bored and couldn't think of anything else to do?

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

My new house?

I would just like to go on the record, one more time, about how I hate Word and all things Microsoft.

What is wrong with this dam program!?! Maybe I'm crazy but what I want to do should NOT require all this screwing around.

I have a specification, that I wrote IN WORD. I formatted it nicely, the way I wanted it, so it had the look of a tabulated spec sheet. I had headings, and minor indents, to show features for each part, of a multi-part equipment specification. It looked exactly the way I wanted, and should have been ready for insertion into any document.

Word, in its infinite, god damn, wisdom, decided that this was all wrong. It removed the indents from some entries. It changed my font sizing and bold-facing. It screwed up my margins. And to truly cap off the experience, it dynamically changed my mind for me, when I tried to fix its damn mistakes.


Monday, May 09, 2005

Blog (Serious) Poll Of The Day:

Should I make an attempt to see the new Star Wars movie on opening weekend?
Okay, so what's the deal with one-way streets?

I'm driving around downtown Regina on Friday. Not the busy, commercial streets like Albert, Broad or Victoria. I'm on the little, dinky side streets. They are so inconsequential that I can't even recall their designations. I think they were numbered, like 12th Ave.

And these little, unimportant streets are one-way. WHY!?! What possible purpose could you hope to achieve by making backwater, unimportant downtown streets one way? There's no traffic! I'm driving around and sure, there are some signs, but you could put it on the honor system for all the traffic that there was. Leave them the easy way, two-way, and stop confusing people. One-way streets just get on everyone's nerves.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

And . . .

For all of you that will read my story and ask, but what about the fries . . . Yes, I did turn off the oven and take them out.
So I locked myself out of my house this evening . . .

I came home just before 6:00 tonight. That's something that seems to have become kind of standard. The weather is nice, I dart out just before six so I can get a steak from the meat store. That's what happened today. I drove home all excited about the meal I was going to make for myself. Came in as usual, locking the door behind me. Threw my stuff down, turned the oven on for the fries, and went out the back door to start the barbeque. As is my habit, I closed the door behind me.

And that was my critical mistake.

Turns out that when I turned the knob and pushed, to go outside, I engaged the locking mechanism of the door knob. When I turned around to come in, to my surprise, and more to my dismay, the door was locked. And that was pretty much that. I tried the front door but I knew the result that was going to have. I'm obsessive about the front door, so obviously it was going to be locked.

Which brings us to my sock footed walk across town. What choice did I have? Everything I own was locked away on me. Truck had everything locked in, and now so did the house. My only recourse was to walk across town in my socks. Which didn't bother me as much as you might think, because the socks I was wearing are in horrible shape. I have tender feet though, so not all the surfaces I came across were easy on my sensitive soles.

So that is my shame. Feel free to laugh at me, because I truly deserve it. And don't think my heart wasn't in my throat when I bent down to turn of the propane, and my knee nudged the door fully closed again.
Quick Stop Menu Recommendations:

To those of you out there, taking notice of my continued support of Watson, Sask.'s 'Quick Stop' Diner, I have a new menu item for you to consider. I can personally vouch for:

BBQ Beef sub sandwich

Monday, May 02, 2005

This is my big complaint about the cooking and eating for yourself cycle.

When its just one person doing the eating, it never takes anywhere close to as long to eat it, as you have to waste making it. And that's even when you do something simple, like eat the leftovers from some other meal, conveniently saved in the freezer.

There is this horrible, sick muted feeling, as the food disappears in about 3 to 5 minutes. And then its gone and you realize that's about as good as its going to get, for sensory pleasures, for that night. All that is left is to deposit the used dishes in the sink, and sigh mournfully as you return, again, to your lonely perch a top whatever piece of furniture you prefer, in your empty, lifeless living room.
Does anyone know why I think girls with a ponytail are so sexy?

Friday, April 29, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

How do I write an Excel formula that uses IF-THEN logic?

Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Premier of Manitoba is an idiot.

Reports indicate that he actually ENJOYED the place we shall not name.
G&M Word Of The Day:


Tuesday, April 26, 2005

After some careful consideration I have decided that there is little to recommend about today.

Please cross today out of your calendar.

Monday, April 25, 2005

I am now prepared to offer a cash bounty for the safe return of the following software, of which my copy has become wayward:

Microsoft Office 1997 Professional Edition
Microsoft Office XP Professional Edition
It is my contention that Avril Lavigne is the hardest rocking girl in popular music at this time.
Blog Question Of The Day:

Is there anything more boring that Windows Update-ing Windows 2005 in the month of April, of the year 2005?
I've decided what is my biggest bone of contention with video games.

You can't play them in a window

Its 10 years now we've been sold down this windowed world view to computing. And down this road we have not reached my holy grail of computing. I want to do more than one thing at a time. My favorite games are the ones that aren't knuckle biting action the whole time. I like a lazy game. Explore a gentle world to solve a puzzle. Quietly establish my own little world, with my eyes the ones of God. Set up my little civilization to co-exist peacefully with computer generated rulers. These games exist, but the means to play them does not. We can have dual-core CPU's, displays that can number into double digits, but a good game still monopolizes your display.

Why does it have to be this way?

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

Seeing as how the greedy bastards that comprise the modern NHL have denied us the annual rite of passage into summermthat is the NHL playoffs, should I switch my allegiance to the NBA playoffs, which tend to last the same length of time?

Friday, April 22, 2005

It is my prediction that the next Kelly Clarkson single will be:

Behind These Hazel Eyes
G&M Word Of The Day:

good grief

Thursday, April 21, 2005

I need to get something off my chest.

What's wrong with people? And this is primarily a shot at old people, as they are the ones that are most prone to this behaviour. You go to a fast food establishment, or for that matter, any location that serves its product in a fashion designed for speed. The whole menu is laid out for you, to peruse as you stand in the ever present line.

In my experience there are two types of situations you are likely to encounter in a place lie, for example, McDonalds. Condition A is, its an off-peak time, and you don't have to wait in line. But conversely, the counter staff are not being pressed to be quick, because there is no one else. Thus you have a few moments to examine the choices, and then make a selection. Condition B is, its a rush time, and every till has a line of people. Again, you have time to examine the posted menu, and make a selection.

So why is it then that you can get to the front of the line and either a) not know what you want or b) tell them you don't care, and you'll take whatever.

Condition (b) drives me right up the wall. The god damn menu is right up there for you to see. You had time to look it over. There's no mysteries hidden in it. You've probably been here 100 times before. Just pick something!!! The poor girl at the till doesn't know what you want. Her job is to take your order, place your order, and then deliver the food. All at a premium of time. Consulting with you about your beverage choice is not up to her. Just pick one from the list, tell her, and she'll get it for you. You screw up her whole procedure if she's gotta tell you the merits of all the choices, only to have you come back with, 'oh, I'll just take whatever is easy'


I will never understand humanity. And my frequent attempts to do so serve only to elevate my blood pressure. If you need me, I'll be the guy in the clock tower with his gun oil and a wet rag.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Blog Survey Of The Day:

What are the top three usages you have for your computer?

Monday, April 18, 2005

Spring has begun.

It may yet to aborted by a late season snow storm, but make no mistake, the beginnings of spring have taken root in this place of the world. My nose is twitching, and I can feel the burn in my nose that says pollen in the air.

Enjoy what promises to be an exhilarating part of the year!
Blog Observation Of The Day:

Girls with a ponytail are hot
Blog Enigma Of The Day:

How do you break up with someone you've never dated?
One of my friends is having a bad day. She's finding the weather in her office to be counter to that which provides comfort. I think we can all relate to that feeling about this time of year. Its just on the borderline between, do we turn off the boilers, and go to the A/C system, or is there another blast of winter, just around the corner?

I bring this up because it reminds me of something I was thinking about as I drove home from Regina last night. When its dark, and there's nothing else to do, I tend to have deep, introspective conversations with myself. One of last night's was about air conditioners.

Blog Question Of The Day:

Do I buy a $600, portable air conditioner for my bedroom so I don't have to remove the glass and frame structure from the downstairs window? Or do I remove the window, put in my existing small A/C unit and build in a replacement wood structure, to make it more 'break-in' proof?

Friday, April 15, 2005

I gotta say something.

I like it when people show initiative, and when you come to them with a problem, they accept it as their own, and help you solve it. That happened to me this afternoon. And I gotta say, I'm damn impressed.

We have, in previously built plants, canisters for holding fabric would filter cartridges. This is for particle filtration. If the particle is larger than 5 microns in size, it won't go through the filter. Or so the theory says.

We've now innovated this. The fabric material has been replaced by stainless steel. The size has been reduced to 4 micron, and its absolute. If you're a 5 micron particle, there's no way in the world you're getting through this cartridge.

The problem however, is the standard manufacturing of these stainless steel filters is such that they are just slightly larger than the fabric ones. And in one particular canister, because stainless won't 'squish', you can't get the fifth cartridge into the canister.

So I phone up the people in Watson that make us these stainless steel filters. The guy I talk to understands my problem, and he has a fix to get us out of this situation. Now, if you phone any ordinary manufacturer, they'd say we could have the fix in a week. My problem is, we just found this out, and we're going back to the place, who's name we do not speak. They happen to have these 5 cartridge canisters. Now this is where they guy saves me ass. No only does he promise to make me some blanks to make the system work, he promises to have them for 10:00 AM Monday morning. Now THAT is service.

If you need stainless steel filters, go to FPS in Watson. They rock.
Doesn't 'spring nuts' sound like something you'd order in an Asian restuarant!?!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Seeing as how today is my birthday, I find myself reflecting on how I've changed. Specifically on my mind is the changes that have occurred in my abilities, and how I used to do some things that are now not possible. One of which is sleep, and how much of it I need.

I came home from work a little early today. Usually I'm there until 6:00 at the least. As today is my birthday, I figured I was entitled to an earlier day. By shortly after 5:00 I was at home. Oddly enough, I felt more tired than when I stay later. So I lay down on the bed. 3 hours later I awoke.

Now all of this makes me ask the question.

Blog Question Of The Day:

If I were seriously attempting to, how long could I go without sleep now?

Monday, April 11, 2005

I gotta get something off my chest.

Do people HAVE to wear those irritating sandals that go 'snap-snap' when they walk? That sound is SO irritating. I'm calmly sitting here, minding my own business and all I can hear, resonating within the canyon of my brand, is this horrendous 'whack-whack' noise, as one of the women in my office, walks around.

How can anyone not be annoyed by this? I don't get it. You walk around creating this cacophony of irritation and you're completely oblivious. I don't understand. Don't you FREAKIN' hear that!?!


Saturday, April 09, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

Why can they make Diet Sprite taste like real Sprite, but they can't make Diet Coke taste like Coke?
I've been watching WTBS a lot. The self-proclaimed 'Superstation' Turns out that the commercial free movie channels are a cultural wasteland of crap that holds NO appeal for me.

WTBS began its life as an Atlanta, Georgia station, and evolved into a cable basic throughout wherever I've travelled. But its still an Atlanta channel, and consequently, they still have some Atlanta-centric advertisements.

Take for instance the Remodel America commercial. And during this stellar piece of marketing, they are promoting the benefits of the CedarMax home siding material.

I hate this commercial. Is anyone duped by this? Its a total joke. And the commercial is just cheesy to a degree that I don't have words. How can any well-thought person be drawn in by this? Is the worst kind of obvious scam. At the very least, if you wanna sell me, make an effort. This commercial just pisses me off.
Blog Question Of The Day:

Should I apply for the job of Pope?

Friday, April 08, 2005

I need to get something off my chest.

What the hell is wrong with people that leave voice messages!?! Okay, you didn't manage to catch me live. You have to leave a message. Can you just leave a semi-useful one? Its not that hard. Cover some very basic facts.

reason for calling
what response you want

And its the, what response, that trips people up. They'll talk for two minutes leaving the message, and then not request what they want in return. Do you want me to solve something? Do you want a document for records? Or my personal favorite, please call me. But OH, OH, OH, you give me your phone number at 200 mph. How in the F&%K am I supposed to decipher the spew of noise you made that is supposed to be a phone number. 2-7-blbhalbhalhbalhblahblahbolah Oh yeah, that means a LOT to me.

To hell with you! I am NOT re-listening to your voice mail 19 times trying to get every digit. Be a weiner with me and I'll return the favor.


Thursday, April 07, 2005

Never let it be said that I refuse to do the necessary housework. Tonight I completed the following housecleaning projects:

- laundry
- cleaned the bathroom
- vacuumed the stairs
- vacuumed my living room and office/closet
- washed all the dishes

Sure, it doesn't constitue a full 'house cleaning' but I took care of necessary business. I should be good for another 8 to 10 months.

If Pedro Martinez doesn't want his World Series ring, can I have it?

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

I have an update on that 'hot house' situation

Turns out its not the nice weather that was warming my house. In fact it was the result of having left the oven on since I baked last night's lasagna.

Note to self: don't leave oven on all night
What an incredible couple of days!

I'm busy all the time but the last two days have been retarded. There were three jobs closing this week. (Now only two, as one was deferred a week because the spec changed) Consequently my phone was ringing off the hook. Call after call after call looking for pricing, questions about what's included, and general chatter about the projects. On top of that has been a bunch of new projects coming up out of the ground. We were the named supplier in one that just came out, and I didn't even know about it. Someone called for pricing and we didn't even know it was up for tender yet!

On the good news front, we got a big one in Manitoba. It was confirmed we were low-bid on a 200 USgpm plant just north and east of Winnipeg. So, for all of you that live in the greater Winnipeg area, I'll probably be in town at some point this summer. But with that project, and the one that closes tomorrow, we're going to be in excellent position as we move into the summer construction season.

I've been trying to get things finished and when I get home, I don't last long before I fall asleep on the couch. I need a better plan that this. :-)


Monday, April 04, 2005

2005 NCAA Men's Basketball Champions

North Carolina Tar Heels

What a great basketball game. And it went right to the wire. The play that sealed it was the errant pass from the Illini player, with half a minute to go. If he doesn't try that goofy shot, this game goes to overtime.

An amazingly entertaining game. Way to go Tar Heels!!!
Do I get a gold star for eating yogurt for dessert, instead of, say, ice cream?
Is it gay that I think the winner of the Naismith trophy is wearing an ugly suit?
Grant's Kitchen Tip Of The Day:

If you've got the fifteen minutes to spare, cook your Pizza Pop in the oven. The result is WELL worth the time it takes.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

They just announced that Pope John Paul II died.

I'm a tad embarrassed that the show I was watching, when they interrupted to announce his passing, was 'Revenge Of The Nerds'.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Does anyone else remember when they used to play 'Electric Circus' (or as I always called in, Sluts On Parade) after the countdown on Friday nights?
Blog Song Of The Day:

M2M - Don't Say You Love Me

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Does it make any sense that they won't allow our cows into their country, but an American fast food restaurant is singing the praises of Canadian bacon!?!

I know they're different animals but COME ON!!!
Blog Song Of The Day:

silverchair - Miss You Love
Blog Question Of The Day:

Why do we, as humans, desire so badly the things we can't achieve, while disregarding the truly valuable that is easily within our grasp?
G&M's Word Of The Day:

chicken chunks
I'm rich! I'm rich! I'm richity rich!!

Mt tax refund FINALLY arrived!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I was just sitting here, watching a show that had a segment that covered the growth of the internet through the late 90's. Now for some reason, this brought to my mind an almost completely unrelated question.

Rather than develop new games for the limited hardware of something like the Gameboy Advance, why not buy up the existing software for games that have become extinct on the computer platform?

Given the level of complexity that the Gameboy Advance is capable of, there should be a wealth of really cool games from the late nineties. For instance:

Commander Keen
Rise Of The Triad
about a hundred sport or driving games

This is all software that was developed for systems that are less powerful than you can now get in a handheld. The key to success for any gaming platform is having games you can play. Why not scavenge from something that already exists?

Just a thought.
I have to see this movie!!!

Sin City

Who's with me?

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

Did the movie 'Miss Congeniality' really deserve a sequel?

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

How often does your average, unattached male get to come home to the smell of fresh baking?
Blog Question Of The Day:

Is 'Aquate Technologies' a good name for a new water treatment company?

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I'm watching K19-The Widowmaker tonight. I have a question.

In one scene, the soldiers are given little towels with which to cleanse themselves. The explanation is, they only shower once a week. Now why would that be? For showering, does it really matter if its salt-water? Just bring in some raw from the ocean, and then drain it back out of the ship. Why use precious 'stored' water?

Just a thought.
In the immortal words of the great Ozzy Osbourne:

Mama, I’m coming home
My fate is thirty feet away . . .

Sunday, March 20, 2005

The internet really is a beautiful thing.

I've been checking every place I can think of, trying to find a copy of hockey for my Game Boy Advance. I really like the little toy but not surprisingly, as it comes from Nintendo, the roster of available games is a bit on the juvenile side. Now I'm as juvenile as any 30 year old you might find, but the standard Nintendo offerings weren't thrilling me, even 2/3 of my life ago.

So I went on eBay. I haven't done a lot of eBay shopping in my life, but the few occasions I've tried it, its worked out great. And for GameBoy game, its a safe attempt. The one I found was $10 US. I can afford to lose that much, if it doesn't go great.

I ordered before the movie I watched at 8:30. It was a 'Buy It Now' item, so I didn't have to wait for an auction close. By the time I came back online, all the confirmations had been sent, and the guy selling sent me a personal email to let me know my game would go out in the mail tomorrow.

Saskatchewan retail = 0, eBay = 1